

How to Start Earning Guide

Just starting out? Please read thoroughly
  1. INTERNET CONNECTION - Most PTC sites require a unique ip address, public internet cafes are not allowed, it is an added security feature. But some sites don't require this, simply wait 24 hours before logging to a different ip address or click on "Do not lock session to my IP address"
  2. A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS - This is for obvious reasons, some PTC sites will send activation and/or confirmation links.
  3. PAYMENT METHODS (electronic currency) - This where you will receive your payments. Most PTC sites use Paypal or AlertPay. Creating accounts are easy. Please note! Some PTC sites require you to use the same email you registered with Paypal or Alertpay in their PTC program.

Quick, easy and simpl step-by-step guide
WARNING!!! This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme! 
You get paid to

  • click on ads
  • read email
  • sign up
  • visit websites

  1. CREATE AN EMAIL ACCOUNT - Some PTC sites would require you to have a Gmail account instead of Yahoo. An email address that is not too short nor too long, 7-8 characters long would be enough. It would be best if you use same email and username when registering at PTC sites (e.g. email: kimt0y1@gmail.com, login name/username: kimt0y1)
  2. CREATE PAYPAL OR ALERTPAY -                                                  
  3. REGISTER at any PTC sites HERE.
Let's say that you joined PaidToClick
1. Logging into the site

2. click on the Earnings Area 

3.click on Click links under Paid to click box, (sometimes you get tons of links to click on so get busy clicking!) 

4. A window will open and all you have to do now is wait for the timer to reach zero 

5. Click on the similar number to the side of the bar and then your good!

Sometime a cheat check appears, this is just to make sure that you are not cheating! the questions are fairly simple so you won't have any problems.

A simple diagram

Click on > Earnings Area > Click links >(wait for timer) click on number > end

The rest of the PTC programs listed here have basically the same setup so enjoy free cash online!!!

happy clicking!!!